UKSA: Sea Change Foundation Isle of Wight Residential

YPF’s Story: 

At the start of the week YPF was reserved, clearly anxious about coming and wasn’t excited to be on the trip. YPF said they were extremely worried about going into the water and didn’t want to be forced to do something that made them feel uncomfortable.

F4YP, along with the UKSA staff encouraged YPF throughout the week and made them feel safe by not forcing her to participate if they didn’t want to, giving them choice. YPF was included on land activities which helped them get involved with the group. This enabled YPF to create friendships with other YP who then helped them overcome their fears. 

By the end of the week YPF’s confidence had grown and was contributing more in activities. YPF was laughing, socialising with new YP and coming out of their shell. They overcome their fear of the sea by jumping off the pontoon on the last water session and had a huge smile on her face after. 

When we asked YPF how they found their week they said: 

“At first I thought it was going to bad. I’m not a fan of being by the seaside. During the trip I realised it wasn’t just about being in the sea. There’s on land activities that’s are just as fun and helped me build my confidence. I didn’t think I would have a choice and would be forced to do the activities. However, that wasn’t the case and UKSA/F4YP gave me other options that made me comfortable but also helped me grow in confidence. I liked the swimming pool and being with my friends. Jumping in the sea at the end was amazing and not as bad as I thought it would be. But I am happy that I built up to jumping into the sea at my own pace. I am proud of myself for doing it!” 

-          YP age 14 


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