Fun 4 Young People (F4YP) Courses Terms and Conditions
Accessing all services, in submitting a booking for F4YP you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
YP can not arrive onsite before stated start times of club,
YP must be supervised by their responsible adult if school year 1-4 for drop off and collection.
School years 5+ may arrive on site unaccompanied but are not considered the responsibility of F4YP until they have checked in with an F4YP member of staff at the time stated for the course.
School years 5+ may leave clubs unaccompanied unless F4YP staff have been informed that they will be collected. If dark or there are concerns over your YP safety, F4YP reserves the right to insist a YP must be collected by their responsible adult.
Purchasing/Booking a ticket does not guarantee a place on the course.
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel places to applicants.
We accept a booking as parental consent for your YP's to receive emergency medical aid if required during their attendance at any of our delivery. This includes if you have asked a member of the F4YP team to make a booking on your behalf.
During the course your YP may require additional support from the pastoral team. If your child has an EHCP or additional support at school it is helpful for us to know this before hand so that we can provide consistent support.
We may contact the school/known agencies working with your YP, and conduct school visits if this will aid support of your YP or we have concerns surrounding your young person.
In allowing your YP to attend any F4YP courses or services you are agreeing to F4YP’s policies and code of conduct, these can be found here
If applying for a bursary place we we will require evidence to show you meet the criteria. Failure to provide this evidence may result in losing your YP space. Where applicable, this evidence will be required to be updated yearly.
Any lost property that has been named will be attempted to be returned by F4YP. If this can not be arranged within 2 weeks of the course end it will be donated to charity.
Any lost property unnamed and unclaimed will be donated to charity after 2 weeks of the course end.
F4YP cannot take any responsibility for YP property that is brought to site. we advise YP do not attend with valuables, and name all belongings.
Mobile phones- we recommend YP do not bring phones- they are not allowed to use them during sessions. If they do need to bring phone due to making own way to and from clubs, this must be handed in to F4YP staff to lock in a phone box, and will be returned to them at the end of the session.
Medication- Any medication that your YP needs during times they are with F4YP, must be handed to F4YP staff at the start of the session in a clear named bag, with instructions as to how to administer. YP should not be carrying their own medications- this includes paracetamol/ inhalers/ antihistamines.
Young People should attend a school or live within Bedfordshire. Due to funding, some clubs may be more restrictive.
No NUTS are to be brought on site at any time.
Statistics from data and anonymous case studies will be used for our funding purposes.
For further information on how data is used please refer to our Privacy Notice.
In booking your YP into F4YP Holiday Club you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
New young people may be required to attend an after school session before attending holiday club. YP not collected at stated finish time and therefore supervised in late pick up session will be charged £5. Failure of payment will result in refusal of future bookings.
Cancelling your YP space less than 24 hours before a course starts will affect your YP future bookings. Failure to notify F4YP of YP non-attendance will affect YP future bookings
No refunds will be given if a space is cancelled within 7 days before start of course.
For Holiday clubs that are 4 days or less- If your YP does not attend day 1 of a course and F4YP has not been notified, this will result in your YP loosing their space on this course.
For Holiday clubs that are 5 days- If your YP does not attend day 1 and 2 of a course they will loose their space on the course.
Please do not book onto courses if you have holiday that clashes- this will take a place from another YP and impacts the charity financially.
Please avoid booking appointments during clubs- missing sessions still impacts the charity financially.
YP must attend a minimum of 3 days on site to be permitted to attend any end of course trips.