Parent/Carer Toolkit & Support Group

As part of our support from Bedford Giving, we have been able to develop a 10-week programme supporting parents/ carers of YP with SEND and/or mental health needs. Throughout the duration of these sessions, you will join a community of parents/ cares of similar experiences in a safe space where you can share your own stories and journeys, guided by Sophie Ibbott, our Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist.

This programme is for parents/ carers to gain insight into their own processing and how this impacts their child. Throughout the course we will focus on:

• Emotional Literacy, matching words with our feelings. 

• Effective parenting strategies

• How to promote a child’s development

 • How to manage common child behavioural problems

• How to support children who are pre and post diagnosed

• Understanding of Children’s behaviours and feelings

Additionally we have 5 online self guided videos, delivered by Sophie Ibbott, focusing on supporting young peoples wellbeing.

If you are interested in accessing either of these courses please get in touch by email:

47% of our current young people have one or more of: ASD, ADHD, ODD, anxiety, other mental health, or neurodiverse diagnosis.

All new young people receive a school visit in which we speak to the young person, their families and supporting staff/agencies to establish their individual pastoral support plan. We are often later called upon by our children’s schools, and other agencies/services/professionals to attend follow up meetings and provide ongoing wrap-around support for families to integrate all the support they are accessing (or helping them to access it if it is not in place already). 

Whilst we do not offer 1:1 supervision, many young people who have 1:1 at school for academic support are able to access our service in small group settings. We will carry out assessments with school to see if our setting is the right fit for your young person. If your YP has an EHCP we will request this prior to completing a school visit.

We regularly consult with our schools and specialist agency partners across Bedfordshire for feedback and suggestions for our programmes to be able to address the needs of the children and young people they work with. We listen and respond by adapting our services and implementing new things. For example, we implemented onsite wellbeing rooms with a sensory pod and equipment providing a calm and safe space to be utilised when children and young people need it.

Our holistic approach sees our team regularly undertake training to support those with additional needs, as well as being qualified in Team Teach positive handling.

Please ensure you have read our Safeguarding, Behaviour and Positive Handling policies, as well as YP code of conduct.

This programme isn’t exclusively for families who access F4YP. Please share with your friends, family, schools, and further community who you believe would benefit from this support.