Tickets Explained
On our Eventbrite page you will see a range of tickets available to book. There are 4 main types:
NEW YP: If a ticket title includes “NEW YP” it is for a young person who has never been to a F4YP club before. This ticket’s form includes all the information we need to collect for a young person to come along to our club.
RETURNER: If a ticket title includes “RETURNER” it is for a young person who HAS attended a F4YP club before. This ticket’s form is shorter as we will have the information we need to collect for a young person to come along to a club already from a previous booking.
BURSARY: If a ticket title includes “BURSARY” it means anyone who qualifies for a bursary place can book this ticket. Bursary places are offered to give all the opportunity to access our service. Please read our BURSARY CRITERIA to see if your young person qualifies for this ticket. We will ask for evidence the first time you book a bursary place to show your YP meets our criteria.
AGE: A ticket may also be specific for an age group. If a ticket title includes “Sch Yr” it is for the school year’s specified only.
If the ticket you require is unavailable, please contact the team.
Holiday Clubs:
We are able to offer a limited amount of HAF places at our holiday clubs, in addition to our Bursary and Paid Places.
The government Holiday Activity and Food Fund (HAF) allows participants who receive income related free school meal benefit, to attend holiday activities and receive food help.
If you are eligible for HAF, you will receive an E-Voucher code which can be obtained from your YPs school. HAF places are free and include lunch each day. Please be aware HAF tickets must be booked directly through E-vouchers.
We operate a first come first served basis for both F4YP tickets and HAF tickets.
If you are entitled to HAF but do not wish to take up this offer, you can book a bursary place through our booking system.
At all our courses we have a bursary criteria which can be found here . These places are at no cost but do not include a meal. Attendees must bring a packed lunch each day.
If you do not qualify for a bursary or HAF place we have some places that are paid tickets. Attendees must bring a packed lunch each day.