Some thoughts of our own

We asked some of our team to tell us how they think F4YP has helped our community

“F4YP it isn’t solely focused on the young person, we work behind the scenes to connect with parent/carers, agencies and schools, to ensure they are part of our community too. Whether it’s hosting coffee mornings or taking time to chat with parents/carers about their concerns, it’s paramount they feel supported too because this motivates them to sign their YP up to our clubs. Being a parent/carer can be an extremely isolating and overwhelming, especially when it comes to facing financial difficulties. For many of parent/carers, all they want is for their YP to have access to fun activities like other children do and have a safe space for them to make friends, grow their confidence and dream big. 

That’s why I think we play a significant part in supporting parent/carers access incredible experience for their YP despite their financial difficulties. For example, we provide bursary spaces at our Holiday Clubs where a young person will be fed, and have a full-day of fun activities like sports, performing arts, and design technology. Our face-to-face delivery is extremely important because with the support of funding we can provide trips to water parks like to Box End, Silverstone, Mead Open farm and overnight stays at camps with canoe trail in the summer. 

With our support, we can give parent/carers the opportunity to have rest bite, continue working throughout the holidays and know their YP is having fun and in a safe environment. “

- Youth Worker

“F4YP has provided a range of activities supporting to young people over the holiday and after-school clubs within the Bedford Community. I have been a part of both after-school clubs and holiday activities as a tutor and member of the pastoral team. By providing activities for children in an environment where they feel safe, respected and supported, the young people grow in confidence while having fun.

While teaching as a dance tutor, I have seen a vast improvement in young peoples' confidence.  When I first met this young person at our Easter holiday club, they were very shy, unable to show developed social skills with other peers and refrained from participation in sessions. They continued to come to after-school sessions and our summer activities.

Our staff and environment allow for encouragement and for the young person to expand their self-belief. I witnessed a development in their confidence, which was clear to see when they participated better in sessions, made new friends and to present their personality to others.  F4YP are providing services that allow young people reach their full potential, it is amazing to see their journey following their access to sessions. 

-Dance Tutor and Pastoral Support

“Having grown up in Bedford, I have seen firsthand the difference it has made to our community. I come from a similar background to some of our young people and this has enabled me to understand how important our support and activities can be to help our young people and their families.

When I was in school, there was a lack of opportunities to participate in additional clubs around the Bedford area which led me to struggle building my confidence physically, as well as socially.

I have worked for F4YP for 4 years now, and within that time I have witnessed the growth of many of our young people that have continued to attend. F4YP allows a young person to try things they may never get the chance to try all whilst building resilience, confidence and lifelong friendships.

F4YP is much more than an extracurricular activity as working with families and their schools ensures the best support and outcomes are in place for every child’s individual needs. This allows every young person to flourish in their own unique way.”

-Pastoral Support

Fun 4 Young People has helped children and young people in so many different ways, from providing fun and enriching after-school and holiday clubs which not only allow the YP to build confidence and learn new skills but also make lifelong friends. Some of F4YP's core values are teamwork, kindness, and respect along with many others. These values are held to a high standard and are expected to be followed by all YPs during clubs and sessions. Having these values in place creates a sense of community for all YP allowing all that come to feel welcome and valued no matter their ability.

When I think of how F4YP has helped people and the community one of the main things that comes to mind is their dedication to making everyone feel welcome and included no matter where they have come from or their ability. They also provide each child with the opportunity to grow and learn in their own unique way and provide a range of support services that may otherwise not be as easily available to the child if not for our support.

One of the ways F4YP supports YP is by providing 1:1 therapy session and they have recently started a SEND workshop called the ‘parenting toolkit’. This workshop is to help parents develop a better understanding of how they can help support their child with additional needs. - “This workshop has been more helpful than some other services” YP parent from the workshop. This is just one of the ways I know F4YP has made a positive impact on people and the community.

-Outreach Team

I am proud to be a small part of a Charity that is providing support to many Families in different ways across Bedfordshire.  The activities we offer to Young People at our After School Clubs of Multi Activities, Sports, Parkour, Paddle, Swimming, our Holiday Clubs and Therapeutic support offer such brilliant and important opportunities that our Families would not usually be able to access were it not for our Charity.   

F4YP host a full programme for Young People to get involved in.  Being a part of F4YP nurtures fun, respect, exercise, team building, honesty and confidence. 

We are unique.  We care about and support our Young People as well as their Parents/Carers.  Our Team go above and beyond to make F4YP mean something to our Community, we work hard to build meaningful connections that sees many Families returning year after year.  Weekly Coffee Mornings, Parent/Carer Workshops, Therapeutic Support, Food Bank Vouchers mean a great deal to our families and they choose F4YP to be a part of their life. 

There are so many examples where our impact can be seen.  From feedback at our Young People’s Forum, our Parent/Carer Forum’s, Comments from all the activities we host, Observations / Evaluations our Tutors make are all part of the journeys we see where we know we are helping our Families. 

-Admin & Support


The difference a Summer can make


My Journey through F4YP