The Impact of Therapy: YPG

As a team, F4YP aim to identify YP who attend F4YP that would benefit from some therapeutic support. One such YP identified was YPG.

YPG had previously been attending some after school clubs and holiday clubs but their attendance had dwindled in spring 2021. We contacted the family and who explained YPR was experiencing acute anxiety following COVID and they were struggling to get them out of the house. We invited them to attend therapy which they agreed to.

F4YP collected them from school and transported them to and from their therapy sessions. YPG was wearing a face mask as this made them feel more comfortable, despite restrictions being lifted. On the journey to and from their sessions, our team were able to encourage YPG to attend our after school sports provision which they did in summer of 2021, throughout 22-23 YPG attendance at clubs improved and they began attending after school regularly. Though it took time, the team noticed they stopped wearing their face mask and their anxious ticks reduced. They had made good friends at the clubs they attended and began to engage more with staff.

Fast forward to today, YPG is now attending 4 clubs a week and would come to more if they could. They ask our staff team at each session how their day has been, and have made new and good friends. They even attended our overnight camp and paddle trip!

Recently YPR said “The help is great”.


YPA’s story


The difference a Summer can make