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Our YP tell us often that F4YP swimming is the highlight of their week. We see many new friendships built at swimming and YP leaving with a sense of achievement where they have jumped in for the first time or completed a length without stopping for example. It’s rewarding to see YP improve in their ability to swim safely, especially as a river town where YP have lots of opportunities to swim in open water.

One example of this is YPK who attended our summer 2022 provision and took part in our trip to box end. During their session YPK was very nervous in water, unable to swim independently to obstacles and becoming a bit “stuck” once there. Our staff team supported them during the session but noted they would benefit from swimming lessons, so were invited to them in the September following the summer holidays.

Since then they have participated in a full year of swimming lessons with F4YP, they have shown huge improvement. Initially anxious to get in the water, they are now able to jump in the deep end, swim without floats on their front and are working on confidence and body position swimming on their back. This summer (2023) they participated in our box end trip again and the difference in both their confidence and ability to swim was huge. YPK was able to jump in the water, swim to new obstacles and had no fear going down their giant slide!

It was a very rewarding to see the tangible difference we had made and the huge smile on their face.


Fostering Positive Relationships: YPC